WOW! 78F350, Thanks again for you input, fantastic info, beautiful project.
Years ago a lot of us realized our pipe dreams really only had value to ourselves when talking money, ending in probably giving them away when we had to.
I am in the crowd knowing the project could and probably will end up taking up needed room, leading to that giveaway syndrome someday.
But without to much heavy investment, I am looking forward to the brainwork and fun of doing it.
Some love putting thousands in fishing.
Some are bourn for track like this fellow.
Some are happy spending a third of there life on the stool at the pub.
We live once, do what feels good.
Its, as we all know, not the return from a sale, count that out right now.
But it does help some to keep cost down.
As I continue to learn, this just keeps getting better.
Now the Audi and body control.
This is how things get done.
My thoughts on the immobilizer.
1)Up stop for window-current relay-delatches on high current-never have to program windows after battery is removed. Kind of the same little goody that throws your refrigerator motor from start winding to run winding.
2)Down on handle motion, again latching relay with resistor bleed down, and to add-a trimmer pot to set the distance.
Just two minute thoughts, man made it, man can change it.
As far as the immobilizers security, I have read they are not that good anyhow and have been hacked many times.
I am still searching for all that is related to the unit.
One thing that is bad, running the battery down to far can damage the immobilizer.
A super big reason to loose that guy.
I am very happy with this site, many have worked hard to make it, and its proven by the quality of people and knowledge offered. It takes time from all of us to participate.
I will be looking at ways to post photo's of past projects and present.
Thank you all, drive safe.