Not an apology ......but an elaboration
But first what I know about the LS conversion I learned from the thread I actual empirical experience. I remember when I first got my Boxster and the horror stories about IMS bearings turning fine German engines into scrap metal in the blink of an if you said IMS three times into a mirror at Midnight your car would never run again.....( well I made that one up). But seriously what I remember was the continual barriers he ran into all the while the Renegade commercials made it look like bolting in a new water pump...Our board member shared all the intimate details with us over his ordeal and how much Renegade left out or just id not know and how utterly incomplete the kits really are. While the thread was about a different swap there was still mountains of information to be gleaned, red flags so you could avoid land mines if you chose to go that way. So if I was a little terse I offer a Gentleman's hand and will say I was only looking out for you so you could research , research , research and make a better call for you project.
If you decide to proceed with you project we will all watch closely and wish you the best and any advise we might be able to give.
All my Best