V8 Conversion to a NON "S" Boxster
Hello, new guy here and the title sums it.
I like the five speed and have a way to possibly keep it with converting. First, nice little car with a non running 2.5. Most of my research proves against a non "S" conversion for two reasons.
1) The low gearing would drive me nuts with engine RPM, and more importantly engine heating. I was looking at a taller final drive possibly, I think one taller is available.
2) The strength of the stock gears. I was looking into cryo hardening the gears and ring and pinion.
I am not the type of driver to hurt a car but it could hurt itself. I would lift to 350 to 400 HP and about 350 t. I think I have found the right place for the best feedback. And its OK to accuse me of ruining a perfect car, been there. Thanks everyone and drive safe.