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Old 08-12-2017, 04:20 AM   #12
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Dahlonega , Georgia
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Nice sounding exhaust I like everything about it except the weight of the muffler . I too have played around with several mufflers on my car . Started with completely stock ( obviously ) then cat delete with OEM , cat delete with Dansk sausage muffler , cat delete with GHL . In my opinion out of that scenario I liked the Dansk the best .
Then when Jake built the engine I went straight headers , no cats and the GHL and it really screamed . Very aggressive but a little on the loud side with slight drone like most two can mufflers are . I purchased and installed Car Chemistry muffler inserts ( twin disc ) into each tailpipe outlet pipe . I also wrapped the perforated pipe between the two discs with SS wool . It took the resonance away and a little bit of the bark . We made 280 h.p. at the wheels so it flows pretty good .

Jake stated more power could be made but would have to basically be a straight exhaust and for street driver not practical . So for now I have what I consider the best all around for my situation . In the air cooled 911 community there is an aftermarket muffler manufacturer known as M & K . Company was started by an aircraft exhaust guy and he ventured out to 911 and 914/6 arena . Single can mufflers made of 321 SS they are lightweight and free flowing.

About a year ago I sent an email to the company asking if they had any interest in venturing out to the 986/996 line of cars . Received an email back stating they were considering it but I never checked back . I know I would be interested if/when they come out with a muffler . I owned two of them one on my 911 SC the other on my 914 GT clone with a 3.0 911 SC motor and I loved the sound AND the lightweight .
2002 Boxster S Arctic Silver with black top with glass window and black leather interior. Jake Raby 3.6 SS ( the beast ) with IMS Solution. 996 GT3 front bumper , GT3 rocker covers and GT3TEK rear diffuser and Joe Toth composites rear ducktail spoiler .

Last edited by rfuerst911sc; 11-01-2017 at 03:53 PM.
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