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Old 06-28-2017, 06:38 AM   #54
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I had this just the other day, driving home in the Boxster from Gainesville (45 minutes away from home) I exit the interstate onto highway 441 (2 lanes, mostly 55-60) and within a few minutes I am caught up to some big white SUV looking thing going maybe 10-15 under the speed limit. I stay with it a few minutes until I get a clear zone to pass, I pass, slow back down to 60, and then a moment later this SUV is up on my tail for a while, then he makes a pass and roars off into the distance, now at maybe 15 over. Maybe the my glorious exhaust (I did downshift to 3rd to get by him) work him/her up out of their hypnotic stupor and they had to speed back up to make up for lost time?
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