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Old 06-28-2017, 03:56 AM   #52
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From the number of threads this is a common occurrence for must of us. I too see different behavior between my common Box SUV and the P-car.
There's challenges direct and sublet. You notice it when someone just has to pass you and when you don't bite, they drive normal.
The tailgaters - either your a Porsche and expected to blow down the hwy @90-100 mph but your just cruising 5-10 over in the flow so you can relax and enjoy the drive
It's first thing in the drive and your warming up the car, going the speed limit (especially in the 25 mph residential) not letting it all hang out.

The best was driving home on the interstate one night, top down stereo blasting. A new Ferrari pulls up in the right lane and matches my conservative 74 mph, revving their 12 cylinders - the challenge was on. I just dropped the hammer (Tom Cruise Days of Thunder reference) to 3rd and unleashed the fury of 252 HPs. That Ferrari was so intimidated they just pulled off on their exit never to challenge a 986 S again.

Maybe I was that guy - "Why do Ferrari's send Porsche drivers into rages???"
2002 S - old school third pedal
Seal Grey
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