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Old 06-23-2017, 10:02 PM   #47
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Originally Posted by JayG View Post
You sir are being an ass. All slowing down does is escalate the issue

If someone wants to go faster than you, just move over and let them pass.

I tend to drove a bit fast and if someone comes up on me, I move over and let them go by. I ask that others do the same when I come up on them. Unfortunately there are lots of rude and inconsiderate drivers that don't move over or worse slow down as they think that is teaching the person behind a lesson. All it is doing is showing you are an inconsiderate asshat.

I have no problem with someone driving slow or at a speed they are comfortable at. I don't expect nor want them to match my speed, especially when I am in one of my Op-cars and they are in a Prius or whatever. Drive what ever speed you want, just don't hold up people behind

All they have to do is move over and let the faster traffic pass. In many states, that is even the law.

Lets face it, a Porsche is safer at 20+ over than most cars are at the speed limit

+986 to the above post.

That being said I'll admit to some ass like behavior myself. I tend to drive in a German manner. Back roads I keep my distance and when I get a broken yellow *and a clear line of site (I swear there are so many areas I can see for miles with no passing and others completely blind where it's broken)* I pass slower traffic.

On the highway I prefer the middle lane if 3 and the right if 2 but move to the left when passing. If I am passing I do so briskly to move myself to a pocket with no traffic. Taking my Porsche (now this is only in Mexico that I do this) to 90 plus on a straight open section of interstate to pass and move back to 80 or so in the right with no traffic around me is best for me and everyone else as long as signals are used etc etc.

Now what I do that is immoral is not tailgating but rather if I see someone riding in the left lane. Not using it for passing and either myself or see others have to pass them on the right. I at times will once I get around them on the right, (after providing ample time for them to merge right which speed yellow usually helps out with.) move back into the left.

I place my car infront of theirs and slow to usually about 5 under or less if needed so that the idiot usually talking on their phone just cursing in the left at 2 over blocking the entire system will finally move right. The moment I see their signal on I downshift speed back up to 10 over and merge back to the middle lane. With the left lane now clear.
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