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Old 06-19-2017, 07:05 AM   #26
Shawn Stanford
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I went to the movies yesterday in my '05 Cayenne and the closest spot was being encroached by a Ford Explorer. I'm thin enough, so I centered in the spot, opened the door and eased out. It was pretty tight; I doubt the average American would have been able to get into the Explorer without a lot of huffing and puffing, or maybe a hand full of Crisco to ease his passage.

I come out after the show and - as I expected - there's a fingertip-sized dent with a paint nick and a line of door-edge paint on my door. The guy in the Explorer obviously took exception to me correctly occupying the parking spot he'd encroached upon.

Ha ha, buddy! Joke's on you. Your Explorer was newer and the damage you just did is probably the smallest dent I've got.
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