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Old 06-14-2017, 03:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by 78F350 View Post
012 transmission from a B5 Passat or B5 A4. Late 1990s (97?) to 01 or 02. Google knows.
Gotcha, around the same year of the Boxster makes sense. So as long as I find one stamped 012 I should be good as far as bolting up but then I'll need to double check the gearing. Just what I needed to know, thank you. I've been looking into what it takes to remove a transmission from an A4 and it does not look fun.

Originally Posted by bwdz View Post
I recently did a clutch on my brother's 03 Passat wagon and the trans looked just like that but it's not like I had it side by side with the Boxster to compare, it just looked the same when working on that car. Btw, he had similar shifting problems and they were caused by a piece of the clutch disc breaking off and occasionally bouncing in and getting stuck by the pressure plate causing the clutch to not want to disengage fully.
Thanks for the input. I actually pulled my disc and pressure plate. They look to me like they have more life left in them. I'll get pics up shortly.
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