Thread: EBC brake pads
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Old 05-23-2017, 05:27 PM   #13
Racer Boy
Racer Boy
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It's likely that your rotors are warping from the heat. How is the braking in normal driving after the track day? Is it okay, or is there still shuddering?

I bought a set of really cool drilled and slotted Chinese rotors on eBay for the remarkable price of $100 for all four. They were great on the street, but on track they started shuddering after about two laps, and even if you took it really easy, they shuddered like crazy. Once back on the street, they were fine.

I ended up getting a set of Meyle rotors (non-drilled, I have a 2.7 model) in the hope that I won't have any more warping issues. I'll find out shortly, I'm going to a track day this Friday at Pacific Raceways, which is very hard on brakes. My last event there I faded my EBC greens, so I moved to reds.
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