1. Check and if necessary R&R the brittle ,leaking Oil Filler Tube. It will eventually cause bewildering vacuum leak issues and CEL's. Access is awful but a little easier with the alternator out.Pelican has a diy.
2. This is a rare opportunity to get to the Knock Sensor on that side.
3. Replace the Serp belt
4. Check all the pulley bearings
5. Particularly check for wobble on the w/p and P/s pump
Others should add more to this little list?
6. When you reconnect the battery - there is a correct sequence that involves 2 short waiting periods while you pray to the DME & Immobilizer gods - check the owner's manual or Search Initialization.
Be prepared for a struggle with the concealed 15mm bolt head behind the Tensioner pulley .See Search if it is a problem.
7.Consider testing/replacing the SAI system components that are concealed behind the alternator.
Last edited by Gelbster; 08-19-2018 at 08:04 AM.