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Old 02-19-2017, 01:39 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by geraintthomas View Post

Mine aren't in bad condition, but they're certainly no where near yours. I'm definitely doing this to mine!

So it's 400, 1000, then 2000, and polish afterwards? I've got a DA with Meguiars PlastX and lots of different polishing compounds, so that won't be the problem. Must have been scary as hell sanding it with 400!
The process also uses an activator that helps break down and softens the original UV coating.
Since my car spends it's off time in the garage with a cover, I may see a better long term result with the UV coating that came with it. This UV coating is potent stuff. I got a bit on my fingers and it started to harden and was tough to get off. The $18 kit online is pretty comprehensive and has really everything you need. I suspect that's why auto parts stores don't stock it.
2002 S - old school third pedal
Seal Grey
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