Thread: I got nailed
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Old 07-21-2006, 03:47 AM   #45
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The sign says "Speed Limit 65", right? The sign doesn't say 65-ish. If we're going 75 we're wrong. Period. What makes the speed limit sign any different than a stop sign, yield sign, or red light for that matter? Should we view those traffic control devices as helpful suggestions as well?

I'm not claiming to be an angel at all. I speed, pretty consistently, in fact. The difference is that when I am caught, by whatever means, I recognize that I was dead wrong and take my medicine.

"Oh, I should have been caught by a real cop"

"Oh, everybody else was speeding and he singled me out because_______ (fill in the blank)"

"Oh, the fat cop didn't get his morning doughnut"

"Oh, I was going down a big hill"

"Oh, this was entrapment"

"Oh, big brother is ruining my life"

All of the above is bulls**t. If the sign said 65 and I was driving 75, I'm wrong. End of story. I don't care if they used satellite triangulation and a CIA unmanned drone to figure it out. They were right and I was wrong. I write the check.
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