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Old 01-29-2017, 07:57 AM   #3121
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Join Date: May 2015
Location: Panama City, FL
Posts: 109

First time using my new liftbars for an oil change. It made the whole process of lifting the car so much quicker and easier. Put the bar on the floor jack, raise until the ends of the bar start to contact the underside of the car, make sure the ends fit into the holes in the jacking points, raise the car, slip the jack stands under the rounded bar at the jacking points, then lower and remove the jack. Repeat for the other side. In less than five minutes the car is up on all four corners. No more rolling on my side sliding the jack stand back and forth until it's in the right position and using jack pads which end up deformed by the top of the jack stand.

On the oil front, some fuzz on the magnetic drain plug and a couple of small non-magnetic flecks in the drain pan. Removed the filter magnets and cut open the old filter. Again, some fuzz on the inside of the housing around the magnets and two or three small non-magnetic slivers in the pleats of the filter.

A good car day.
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