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Old 07-19-2006, 11:56 AM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Columbus, OH
Posts: 43
Any danger in being a garage queen?

I bought my Box about 7 months ago to use as my daily driver, however, soon after I got him home I knew that I didn't want to waste him on my boring morning commute so I left him in the garage and bought a TT to cover for the Box. The problem is that as my love for my Boxster growes (as it does very time I look at it), the more I just want to protect it and keep it clean and safe in my garage. At this point I only drive him about 30 to 45 minutes a week (all at once on a weekend) just around my gated community. Now I know that my Box deserves a real life, but other than not fulfilling his need for speed, I am doing any real long term damage to the car. It is a 1997 with about 47,000 miles on it and as long as I keep doing all the maintence based on time, not miles will I create a problem? Thanks for the advice!
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