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Old 01-25-2017, 04:21 AM   #7
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Join Date: Jan 2017
Location: Washington, DC
Posts: 5
Hey y'all, sorry for the slow response - work, ya' know.

OK, so to answer the questions:

1) The Hitch is still for sale and I answered the PM - it is NOT the hidden style - it is the open style with the two bars that come out of the bumperettes (the original Wilwood 986 design); I will get a pic added this weekend

2) RE: shipping the wheels without the tires - I would prefer not to, as I would rather avoid the time and investment of having the tires demounted from the rims; BUT if a couple of weeks go by and there is no interest we'll talk. I'd rather the stuff go to someone who will use it than just get scrapped

3) Yes, thanks, I think it is a smokin' deal! I was really happy with the set up and managed to get about 75 track days out of it - it's ideal for someone with a 986 just going solo in HPDE. I wish I had done it earlier - much easier than begging your friends with trailers to haul your tires. But yes, unfortunately, it is all a bit bulky, so shipping is unlikely.

The good news on this is that as part of the whole SUV-House-Get rid of track car deal, I was able to get permission from management to pick up a 914 project with a friend, so . . . .I'll post when we start working that.
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