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Old 01-22-2017, 09:42 AM   #58
"50 Years of 550 Spyder"
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Join Date: Jun 2015
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Posts: 945
Can't we all just get along?

Wow! I'm late to this party.

Thanks for posting and clearing this up.

If you read my post history, you will discover that I'm a middle aged guy who bought his dream car about two years ago. That car was a 2004 Boxster S "50 Years of 550 Spyder Edition."

I bought THAT car on purpose. I wanted THAT specific car.

One reason I settled on a 2004 Boxster, forget the SE stuff, was that it was the last car with a spare tire, a dip stick, and it had an IMS bearing that can be serviced with Jake's "Solution" for a permanent fix.

Also, I spoke with Judd, one of Jake's associates, for an HOUR on the phone before purchasing the car. He didn't know me from Shinola, and he was NOT getting a dime, yet he spoke to me for an HOUR on the phone before I had even bought a Porsche.

He helped me understand the failure points of these cars and the services they provide to owners.

I bought the car. I then chose to immediately ship my car to Jake and have them perform a list of preventative maintenance services.

I have previously posted how wonderful that experience was and won't rehash it here. If anyone is interested, please search my post history and read about it.

Jake Raby has made my life better. My life is more fun. I have more knowledge about machinery. I owe a lot to Mr. Raby.

To discover that Jake Raby is no longer posting on this forum and sharing his invaluable knowledge with all of us in the Porsche world makes me very sad.

Censorship is wrong. Self-censorship is a slippery slope.

I get the "business" aspect of all of this. I do. But as a car guy, who loves my Boxster, I just want to share the joy of ownership I experience every day with everyone on the planet who wants to own one of these cars.

Jake Raby makes owning these cars better, safer, more fun, and saves us all a lot of money, time, and walking home from a steaming pile at 3am, in the rain, a thousand miles from nowhere.

Thank you, Jake Raby.

550 SE #310---"It's more fun to drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow."
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