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Old 01-22-2017, 09:04 AM   #4
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This Thread is a perfect example of what happens without Jake. Or someone to quote him. Lots of well-intentioned opinion or 1 time anecdotes. Collectively ,if we had hundreds of Posts on the same issue,maybe the consensus (there never is one !) may be useful.
By contrast ,Jake usually has a dyno test or some other data to contribute.That gets us back on the right track.Until some argumentative type starts accusing him of greed/arrogance/whatever. Then he gets mad and it all falls apart. The problem isn't Jake, it is lack of a Moderator to just delete Posts that are focused on baiting Jake.
This Forum is a much poorer resource as a result of excluding him. Before you dump the best player, doesn't the smart Team Manager line up a replacement? Any suggestions? Right. There isn't anybody.
And by the way ,I have never bought anything from him. But I could not have rebuilt my engine without his Posts.And neither can any one else. His work is a huge part of the collective knowledge on the M96.Nobody else comes close.
Like it or not, we need him way more than he needs us.
Jake thank you for your many useful contributions here.
Originally Posted by BrokenLinkage View Post
Wait a minute. This forum, the world's largest compendium of boxster knowledge and support, has uninvited Jake Raby, generally regarded as the world's foremost expert on the boxster engine? WTF?
Yes, he can be arrogant, brusque, tintillating, and self-serving, sometimes in the same post. But the same could be said of many of our participants. And unlike most of the others, he is also generous with knowledge and insight that took him years of intelligent, focused, and sustained effort to obtain.
Regardless of bruised feelings or inherent potential conflicts of interest due to products he helped develop, he never hawked his services here. I for one appreciated the fact that he cut through a lot of BS with observations based on actual experimental testing. When a thread was getting run over by people with a sample size of one relating their individual experience or personal opinions, it was refreshing to have him weigh in with factual data and observations based on a sample size of thousands of engines. This would often be data that No One else would ever be in a position to obtain, much less share.
I do not mean by this to discount the incredible contibution of other members, such as JFP and ByPro, that have shared proprietary information that represents equally hard-won business specific knowledge for them.
But most of us on this site are just duffers, and to exclude someone with Jake's wealth of experience hurts us all. When I chose a surgeon, I want someone with skills in the OR and good outcomes; bedside manner is optional. When I get advice on an engine, I want it to come from an expert on that engine, even if I don't always like or even agree with what he says or how he says it.
Wayne, I am eternally grateful for your beneficence in setting up this site, but to exclude Jake was a seriously bad move, and devalues the site.
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