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Old 01-22-2017, 08:32 AM   #56
Jake Raby
Engine Surgeon
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Cleveland GA USA
Posts: 2,425
To be clear:

I was the one that made the decision to no longer post here. This was done after I helped to create a company that can be considered a rival of Pelican Parts, who of course does own this forum. I decided not to come back this this forum after that exchange, as it was the most courteous way to move forward.

The word "ban" was never stated by anyone, and it was a peaceful exchange between all parties involved.

This is the first post that I have made here since that exchange, and I felt that the air needed to be cleared before things went downhill.

"Wacko- out!"
Jake Raby/
IMS Solution/ Faultless Tool Inventor
US Patent 8,992,089 &
US Patent 9,416,697
Developer of The IMS Retrofit Procedure- M96/ M97 Specialist
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