I have a few comments to ad , I will preface that I am a Jake raby fan for many reasons . Jake does not do well with idiots and because of that comes across as brash and arrogant . To talk to him in person and to deal with him on a daily basis is quite different .
I have told Jake many times he is a nut , but I mean that as a compliment . He is 150 percent driven on taking something that is weak , abuse the heck out of it to break it and then come up with a solution. In many cases we can repair our cars because of him. No I am not a paid spokesman just a very happy customer .
I actually talked to Jake after " the ban " and I was quite surprised . I have been a long time customer and fan of pelican parts . Great forums , completive pricing it is a great combo . But by banning competition seems petty to me but it is not my forum . I can contact Jake any time and get a reply generally within hours.
There are exhausts out there that can add HP/torque but most are overated . I base this on real world data on Jake's dyno using OEM , dansk , ghl on my 3.2 and 3.6 beast . I have an under drive pulley on mine also , installed by Jake . I was never promised any HP increase but was told quicker throttle response would be a result and easier on all the ancillary belt driven parts .
Ok end of my speech but I believe this forum is now less useful than it could be because of the ban . Go falcons !!!
Last edited by rfuerst911sc; 01-22-2017 at 07:26 AM.