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Old 01-05-2017, 12:08 PM   #14
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Join Date: May 2014
Location: S.California
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"(b) swapping injectors is less expensive, and as simple, as oil change (open engine, two bolts, two electrical connectors, swap two injectors)"
Not on Bank 2 !
The Airbox is in the way even if you lower the engine slightly.If you drop it 6"+ O.K.
In theory you unbolt the intake manifold for Bank 2, move it inboard far enough to actually get at and move the entire injector rail. Then fiddle with the clips to remove an injector.Be careful -those clips really fly ! Remember which way around the clips go ! You did buy replacement O ring seals for the tops of the injectors ? Before you put them back ,carefully dig/inspect up in the bowels of the injector rail to make sure bits of decayed seal are not stuck there.
If your injectors are not 4 hole type - maybe upgrade time?
It may also be a good time to replace all the O rings and the filter basket - do a diy flow test and resistance measurement for the coil. Soak the tips(not the entire injector body ) in Techron or similar.Flush with Techron.There are some diy flush/test videos but remember 30 psi max !It is fun to make a test rig .Just be careful with the pressurized fuel.
Like so many things on the M96, it gets complicated fast because of access and deferred maintenance.

Last edited by Gelbster; 01-05-2017 at 12:12 PM.
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