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Old 12-22-2016, 12:49 PM   #264
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For those interested in upgrading the "T", the Thread linked may be useful& cheaper than the plan mentioned in the quotes:

Originally Posted by Qmulus View Post
I just picked up the parts to convert my '03 S to the 987 airbox. I was able to find an airbox with MAf housing and rubber connection hose, which would mate with a 987 throttle body T. The interesting thing is that from the pictures that I have seen the '04 550 edition looks to use a different throttle body to MAF hose to match the 987 MAF housing to the 986 throttle body, but I don't see it listed anywhere. Odd.

I also found the split intake T from an '05 987 S with the vacuum flap and PCV hose. With these parts I THINK I will be able to bolt everything in using all factory parts. I haven't yet checked the vacuum control diagrams to see if the vacuum valve was control separately from the other intake flap.

Has anyone tried the either the early or later 3.4L 987 throttle body T on a 986? It does move the throttle body down and back closer to the MAF housing. Hopefully this won't have clearance issues on the 986.
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