Thread: I hit a deer!!
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Old 11-20-2016, 08:28 PM   #18
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Join Date: Nov 2016
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I am buying my first Porsche,

[To morrow, a Boxster (2003 2.7 litre) I have found, 69,000 log book kms, heaps of paper work, goes in to a reputable Porsche mechanic for an assessment as to, "Am I buying something for $22,500 Australian Dollars good value for money".
Looks as new as when it came off the show room floor, but me being a person who does not know which end of a screw driver to hold, needs
professional help. I have spent 2 days researching all avenues, forums etc and just about everyone who owns a Boxster appears to be well satisfied. I am aware of the IMS Shaft Bearing and if the car passes,
then that will be replaced at a cost of $A4,800 with a new idea approved by Porsche and is given a life time warranty?????????? Any constructive criticism would be appreciated.
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