Thread: I hit a deer!!
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Old 11-17-2016, 03:26 PM   #14
still plays with cars...
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Originally Posted by Burg Boxster View Post
So long as no collision claim needs made, deer strikes typically are considered an "act of god" for comprehensive coverage with no "at fault" chargeable claim to your policy. That said, local agents always seem to remember anytime they're asked questions "a friend of mine..." so tread carefully.

Good luck
It worked for me...
Back in the day, I had an old beater of a Pontiac Parisienne and wrote it off hitting two deer crossing the highway together.
No collision insurance on that turd, but got $1200 for it from State Farm under my comprehensive policy because it wasn't a vehicular collision.
Bought it back for $50 and parted it out for another $1900.

Good luck whichever way you choose to fix your car.
Six speed 2000 Boxster S
Arctic Silver on Metropol Blue | LN Dual Row IMSR | Arctic Silver console, spoiler frame & bumperettes | Crios mod | Technobrace | RoboTop module & modified convertible top relay for one-touch roof operation

Last edited by BoxsterSteve; 11-17-2016 at 03:30 PM.
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