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Old 10-14-2016, 04:19 AM   #21
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Bimmer drivers question their manhood??

On average bmw drivers are reasonable but they have a fair few bad apples, I feel BMW attracts the same crowds as Lexus and Acura rather than Mercedes.

I'll see Porsche fly by all the time ( macan cayanne included) but they're always driving in a very German manner, left lane, go fast, don't tail, use a blinker, and when things open up they move back into the middle or right and reduce speed.

Bmws, dodge chargers, and lexuses tend to bear down the left (and sadly here in the south bro trucks, which is very very dangerous to have plowing down the left lane) and then when they get behind someone they jerk over and around with no blinker.

The only brand that I think has a ratio where the absolute majority of drivers are a holes, rather than just a few bad apples, is Infiniti. I see them double parked, peeling out, racing, cutting lanes, passing double yellow, and doing all sorts of really stupid crap.

I think bmws are good cars though and the natural stepping stone from a fusion to something European, they're just too bloated for me now a days and nothing has excited me styling wise since the clown shoe z3, 8 series, and mid 2000s 6 series. Not to mention I've never met an owner that had a positive used ownership experience and I don't plan to own new cars. I don't know if it's specific engines or what but build quality seems very bad out of warranty.

Last edited by BIGJake111; 10-14-2016 at 04:22 AM.
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