Thread: 2005 Gt3??
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Old 07-05-2006, 06:14 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by KenB
Indeed it is not a GT3, it is a 997S (Exhaust tips, red calipers). I wouldn't go as far as calling it a hack job, it has the OE Aero Kit not some home made crap.
Perhaps "Hack Job" was a bit strong but they are still trying to pass it off as a GT3 and that's inexcusable.

The original poster lists his location as Japan. I'll assume then that this is also a Japanese dealership. It's not surprising then that is has a "kit" added as the Japanese really seem to love hanging stuff off perfectly good cars. I personally don't like the aero kits on 996 / 997's. If it's from the factory as part of the GT3 and has function then that's different but typically it's done to make the car look like something it isn't. I hold the same distain for "turbo look" 911's from the '80's.
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