The invaluable part that
James the OP offered is :
"I'll be installing the engine in the coming days.
I have identified 18 connections between the car and the engine and made a checklist. after I have verified it, I'll post it for future reference."
The tangle of vacuum hoses and wiring is bewildering to reconnect. And trouble shooting it when the engine is installed but won't run/runs badly is a nightmare because of access.Beware brittle plastic vac lines and connectors ! This subject is worthy of a Pelican DIY upgrade article !There is a lot of info/diagrams available that each tell part of the story but the info is scattered and fragmented. We could start with a recommendation for silicone, small diameter vac lines?
Update - there is a new link to a primer on vac line repair/install !
The other useful point to make for future rebuilders is -
at what stage do you fit the engine wiring harness? I guarantee most of us had to redo some of our work to fit it correctly. James is correct - you need lots of high definition photos.No, there are not any Internet giudes that I found to answer all the wiring harness questions - so make your own photo album !