Originally Posted by Nine8Six
Sweet!! One quick question, is the body hollow anywhere? If I go that way I'll then need to round off the corner using a laser cutter or doing them by hand before painting. We have this thing here that requires a min. 25mm radius on every single parts the vehicle is equipped with. Called "pedestrian safe" or something like that, forgot.
Looks great, very subtle. In my case that spoiler is rarely going to see the "up" position. Max speed here/city is 80Km/hrs lolll. Just got to look good you know
Thx for posting up pics. I'd trade your summer any day btw. 38+ degree with clear blue sky daily here.... just can't touch the 20 y/old Boxster in these conditions :/
Thanks for your comments. It is hollow, very light. I am thinking of putting a radius in the mould.