Lots of good info I can put to use. Thanks guys.
JayG, Jeez at $500 its making me think twice about doing it myself, but I do like poking around the Boxster myself and learning more about it. Its very satisfying to fix something yourself, makes you feel omnipotent.

I think I'll give it a go myself this time around. Good thing is that once its fixed I'll be getting some Auto-X time in again as I could feel the clutch starting to go a month ago as the pedal preSsure seemed to change.
On friday evening the GF's Jeep Wrangler was having the "Death Wobble" so I replaced the track bar and that nightmare is fixed. I got a big appreciative smile and an IOU for other fun stuff when she drove over the trigger bumps and no more Death Wobble.
Jsceash, I had considered a scisor lift at one point but it seems hard to justify when you only need to get under the car a couple times a year maybe. Plus my garage is tight for space.
Dghii, for us hobbyists we typically have the car sitting too long waiting for parts or other todo list priorities to make the Bay rental cost effective.
If my car work is in progress and I get a wind alert for great Kite Surfing conditions, I'll be headed for the beach instead.
Gelbster, the clutch pedal is still working, but the hookup is lacking and if I apply too much gas I can see the revs go up without an increase in speed so the clutch slip is very obvious. I'll check everything in any case and I will have to determine whether the DMFW needs replacing as well.
ByProd, 15.5" plus lift device, exactly what I needed to know. Good to know I can also remove bumper cover if I need extra clearance.
I'm using the 101 Boxster projects guide as it seems to describe things fairly well plus they have extra info online.
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded

2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
Short Shifter, Touch Screen Dual Din Radio, 03 4 Bow glass Top (DD & Auto-X since May 17,2012)