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Old 07-11-2016, 09:26 PM   #1
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Definitely not orange peel free here, with my 2001 lapis blue boxster base with aero kit 1. (ESPECIALLY the fiberglass aerokit 1 specific rear deck is so badly orange peeled, I have had thoughts of either wet sanding it, or refinishing it.)

But even the best, steel body panels on my 2001 are not perfect in terms of orange peel. That said, it IS generally a top quality finish these cars seem to have came with (what cars are truly orange peel free, except for concours quality custom jobs? None that I'm aware of), although my worn out finish on my particular car (with >100k miles) is very badly swirled, and In need of some polishing work.

There is definitely orange peel though, like any other car. You saying yours is orange peel-free makes me wonder if:
1. either you just aren't looking closely enough (bright colors like speed yellow you've got would make it harder to discern the reflections), or
2. perhaps, a detailer has successfully wet-sanded your clear coat before you came in possession of the car to make it "concours quality" finish? (Before you get too excited if this is the case, this will thin the clear coat and potentially reduce the UV protection). There are paint thickness gauges that professional detailing shops will have and use, which can actually measure the thickness of the paint.

If yours has been wet sanded, it would probably show up as a thinner-than-usual paint thickness.

With its color and all, maybe you just need to get your car into an appropriate lighting situation such that you can see all the tiny scratches and imperfections? If say a bright LED flashlight, shone on your finish in otherwise complete darkness, would belie any surface scratches, orange peel, or other defects. If all you've owned are dark colored cars and this if your first lighter colored one, that could be the explanation.
2001 Boxster

Last edited by jakeru; 07-11-2016 at 09:29 PM.
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