Originally Posted by YellowS2000
Hi Chaps
Well Im 3 weeks into the ownership of my Yellow 2000 S
So far all is well and I love it
One thing I have noticed is that the paint finish is absolutely amazing.
There is absolutely ZERO orange peel whatsoever. Iv been driving for 30 years and in that time had some nice stuff Alfa, BWW, Merc, Audi etc but never with a smoother paint finish than this.
Are all Porsches like like this? Im going to start looking
Love the race yellow too, only downside is the plastic panels have very slight paint fade but not that noticeable when clean, so it a good reason to wash it every few days lol.
Washing it every few days will start to remove the clear-coat after awhile. I had a neighbor back in 1994 who was a total tool, who had a bought a new Pontiac Firebird. He used to wash and chamois that thing EVERY weekend. By the end of of year two, he had successfully rubbed-off a good deal of the topcoat, to the point that he lost the UV protection (or ended up with a reactive basecoat) that gave him a mottled red car.