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Old 07-03-2016, 09:25 AM   #2
still plays with cars...
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: Baden, ON, Canada
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It could be a couple of things.
The condensation points to a bad coolant cap or pressure relief.
What version of coolant cap do you have, as in what are the last two numbers?
The newest revision ends in 04, so try that.
Losing coolant while the car is running is likely a cracked and leaking coolant tank.
Ask me know I know; I just swapped mine out for the same reason.
Lift up the trunk carpet, and if you have a puddle in there on the right side, I'd bet your coolant tank needs replacing. I swapped mine out in just over 4 hours.
Let us know what you find.
Six speed 2000 Boxster S
Arctic Silver on Metropol Blue | LN Dual Row IMSR | Arctic Silver console, spoiler frame & bumperettes | Crios mod | Technobrace | RoboTop module & modified convertible top relay for one-touch roof operation
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