It's interesting how volatile this subject has become. Most shops use the LN IMSB kit and have had great success. Not everyone can send their car to "Mr. Tennis elbow" (got that patting himself on his own back) Many of his "accomplishments" have come from another shop's idea's. For the longest time he touted Type IV engines as being the "only" engine. At the same time he wouldn't even say "Subaru" and now look at what he's doing, "building Subaru" engines and he says his are superior. Hell, FAT performance in Orange CA and Outfront Motorsports are premier builders, FAT for the Type IV and Type 1 and Outfront for the 4 and 6 cyl. Subaru engines. The bottom line is Jake is good but not the "legend in his own mind" that the thinks he is.
Now along with that said, I just had a LN IMSB installed on my car (double row) the car had 62,000 miles and the original double row was in good shape but I had it done just "because" It's expensive but no where near the cost of shipping a car to Georgia, paying Jakes labor and elevated parts prices. In another 6 or 7 years years when the clutch is toast, I'll have another LN IMSB kit installed and still be money ahead had I shipped my car to Raby.