Thread: 986 v 981
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Old 05-31-2016, 08:09 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by ekam View Post
Not similar at all. You can't put your arm out the window on a 981 for one thing. It makes you feel like you're sitting in it like a tank versus sitting on the vehicle like the cockpit of a F16 where you can see everything.
I was so disappointed with the 981. It lost the "fun" factor IMO compared to a 986 especially. You are right, you cannot even out your arm out the window now and it does feel like a tank.

I'm on the hunt for another 986 now because the 981 let me down in multiple ways. I tried it a couple of times but it just lacked that raw, Boxster feel.

Great comparison too, high in cockpit of plane (986) vs low in a tank (981).
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