Originally Posted by JFP in PA
Moderators can be a very positive addition to any forum, provided that:
1. The forum rules are clearly stated, and agreeing to them is a requirement of joining.
2. The moderator(s) actions are equitable and according to the forum rules you agreed to when you joined.
3. The moderator's actions are both quick and appropriate to the incident at hand.
There are other Porsche related forums that function in this way, maintaining a "no nonsense" approach to rules violations. If the latest incident had begun there, it would have quickly been over, with those involved first warned, and then permanently banned (yes, that can be done) if the offense reoccurred. It works well, encourages civil exchanges, and eliminates such unfortunate threads.
Unfortunately, self regulation on internet forums is more of an idealistic concept rather than a reality. We live in a world where it takes locks to keep honest people honest...........
Truth, I don't think we need them. I have acted as a moderator on other forms....I generally left because the moderators started to get an agenda that was always one sided because of favors, or public opinon....I say leave it alone