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Old 04-28-2016, 01:47 PM   #15
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Monterey
Posts: 56
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Theres plenty of space for everyone to move here to sunny california, but at a price. Higher cost of living, taxes, etc...

Randall, Im highly considering the glass window as the faded plastic one does make the car look its age! I do like to drive it aggressively every now and then, especially with the desnorkel! Love the roar it has now!

Need_for_speed, I've actually did some lurking here for a few months prior to my purchase to make sure I knew what to look out for. IMS was done at 70k, along with clutch and water pump. Thanks for the heads up tho! Good lookin out!

Its funny, I was actually wanting to get a motorcycle, but its been a 10 yr losing battle with my wife. Glad I found the boxster as it's been a blast! Much safer too. Plus, happy wife!

Dlirium, thanks for the invite. Will definitely take a look. I was wondering what local clubs there were. I know there's an annual porsche meet at Laguna Seca. Hoping I can participate this year!
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