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Old 04-28-2016, 10:54 AM   #17
2003 S, Arctic Silver, M6
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Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Posts: 1,346
I too self moderate, sometimes throwing in my 3 cents Canadian, 2 cents American other times just grabbing some popcorn & an adult beverage and watch. 99.9% of the time things here are friendly and copacetic.

Sometimes there is mud slinging but it is nowhere near as confrontational as Rennlist. It is way more inclusive and sharing here. And it is a lot easier to navigate.

That said, a moderator to keep things cleaned up administration wise would be nice. But let's keep this a 986 first forum. 987, 981 . . hell 996 are welcome because they all share something with the 986 but the emphasis on our cars is most important i believe.

So here's to us and happy Boxstering!
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