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Old 04-27-2016, 09:48 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2016
Location: Monterey
Posts: 56
New 986 Owner in Norcal

Hello! Just wanted to introduce myself. Picked up an 01' Boxster S this past sunday and loving every drive I take! I feel like I just got my license, looking for excuses to take the car out!

Here are some pictures:

Said I wouldn't do any mods, but couldn't help myself and desnorkeled and replaced interior lights with LEDs!

Quick question. I noticed the owner had been using Redline 5w40 motor oil as they left a few quarts in the trunk. Should I continue using this or would it be ok to change to one of my choosing. Also read in the manual that 10w40 was recommended.

Thanks, and look forward to being part of this community!
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