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Old 04-11-2016, 06:43 AM   #29
Racer Boy
Racer Boy
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Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Seattle, WA
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Recently, I looked at the brakes on my '02, and noticed that the discs had a nice little ridge on the edges, so obviously they are worn, and it's time to replace them. I can't believe how much dust the stock pads (or whatever is on the car now) produce, so I'm going to get different pads as well. Since I plan on tracking the car occasionally, the EBC reds sound like the way to go.

This thread has been great, as I ordered the cheap drilled rotor set on eBay for $100 (thanks for the link, jimmythemuffler!), and EBC red pads. I found the pads for $96 per set from IRP, so for about $300 I'll have all new parts. At some point I'll look at replacing the lines.

The rotors are so cheap that even if they don't last all that long, it's not like it will be a big financial hit. The drilled rotors are probably overkill for a street car, but they do look really cool!

Last edited by Racer Boy; 04-11-2016 at 06:46 AM.
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