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Old 04-03-2016, 10:03 PM   #16
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Looks like a new switch is north of $400

To bypass the park/neutral switch, disconnect it at the connector. Connect a jumper wire from a solid ground point to the following wires; Yellow with Violet stripe and Pink with Brown stripe. There may be 2 Yellow with Violet stripe wires or just one. If there are 2, both need to be grounded.
Do this on the harness side of the connector, not the switch side.

This will tell the car that it is in park and allow it to start IF the switch is the problem. If it does start, DO NOT attempt to put it in gear and drive as this switch also tells the car which drive gear it should be in and will cause problems.
Just jump them and try to start. If it fires, shut off and get a replacement switch.


Last edited by particlewave; 04-03-2016 at 10:10 PM.
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