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Old 03-09-2016, 05:44 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by tomonomics View Post
Isn't the point of the oil filter to 'filter' bits of metal (and any other foreign object of a certain size)?
Or are you trying to attract pieces of metal that are smaller than (x)micron that the filter won't contain, as someone mentioned above.

Just confused as to why this is needed inside the filter, as opposed to a better filter that would contain these sized particles in the first place.
Filters are a compromise between catching small enough particles vs keeping a good oil flow rate especially when the oil is cold.

When I dissected the filter I would expect some of that magnetic type sludge to be caught in the filter element itself but the filter element seemed clear of those size particles so I can only assume they are passing through the filter element.

I'd rather catch this stuff with the magnets and not let it circulate through the bearings and stuck on the cylinder walls. Its like having 600 grit sand paper passing through the thanks, lets get rid of that stuff and have longer bearing life and higher compression for a longer time.

If you could pay $30 one time to make your engine last another 20,000 miles or perhaps much more, what would that be worth to you?
It will not even effect your warranty and with the magnets being external if it fails for some reason there is no chance of damaging anything.

That's the point! $30, DIY in 15min, no downside, only benefits. You can't loose on this one.
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Last edited by jb92563; 03-09-2016 at 05:49 AM.
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