I'm trying to upgrade as we speak.. Having weird issues. Tried the eeprom thing with a cheap programmer of ebay. Won't read the chip...
Mine is an 02 gauge, out on first install, I thought I was pretty good. Everything worked well except my radio and my gas gauge. Okay.. find a guy with a PIWIS, went today, and the piwis can't see my cluster. We reprogrammed the dme to a 996, it took it.. the inst cluster went from a ? to accessible. But when I tried to look at the inst cluster coding, got an error that states I have to do a full scan before I can look at it.. I did about 5 full scans and it just won't show up. So I have no idea what my issues is with the new cluster... I'm pretty sure my cluster is from a C4, and need to change that.. or get rid of it...
Anyone seen this behavior before?