Sitting here enjoying some coffee and looking over all the pics. Fred the design you show is very pleasing to the eye and has a shape to it that matches the nice round butt of the 986

. Derfo's design also compliments the rear look of the car but in a slightly different way. One is not better than the other in my opinion just different. I think once Derfo gets one on his car and painted to match it will really show what his approach is all about. When looking at the butt of my car I do NOT want the eye to go directly to the spoiler/duck tail, instead I want the eye to take in the entire landscape. That's why in my original post that started all of this that I wanted a small duck tail. Pleasing to the eye, not intrusive just a minimal enhancement. My car is arctic silver and after installing the duck tail I hope to do two ghost stripes from the front GT3 bumper to the back GT3 TEK diffuser. I think that will look great and help pull everything together to make it all flow. Time will tell if I am correct