Originally Posted by stjoh
For anybody interested in this look I may be selling a Techart rear section in the near future...
For anybody interested in the wide body im making, if molds turn out ok i may be selling some in the near future

lolol sorry stjoh, i could t pass it up.. You walked into that one

lolol just playing with ya.
As for my stuff. I put some more mud on it today so as soon As it drys and i can do some more shaping to what i added i will post up some pics. Its cold here in michigan so this mud is taking for ever to kick.
Thanks for the pics guys. I added a little detail to the vent area with the new mud i put on and im going to do something different with the lip around the wheel well. Update soon.
Oh hey quick question, whats everyone thoughts on air scoops on the roof? If i redo my top to emiminate the bubble look and extend it back a bit to look a little more sleek i was thinking about the scoop. Any thoughts?