Originally Posted by jb92563
I like the wide look of the 82 911 Turbo and what they did with the vent.
Keeping some of that heritage in the lines is probably a good thing.
In the pic it looks pretty straight but you could refine it and make your own contours with some gentle curves.
Based on the short distance you have to blend the curve I don't know if concave could work, and the newer Porsches are using Convex curves to the wheel.
In any case it looks like you have to go out a bit farther for that tire. Not as extreme as in the 911 Picture though.
Your rims look great.

I do plan on putting some detail in here somewhere.. just not sure where yet. I'm going to play with the side vent tonight and the lip around the wheel well i think I'm going to make it(wheel well lip) a little pronounced then concaved into the convex shape that i already have going... short transition from tangent to to tangent. hope that makes sense. pics soon

i just want it to keep the classy porsche look but i want a little rebellion in there as well lol
ohhhh .... love the slant nose porsche. favorite look on a porsche to me.
rims... love em !!!! I'm so happy with the look and wow they look sharp when i stepped back to look at them last night.