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Old 01-26-2016, 06:12 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by compinsating View Post
Already bought the adapter. Kennedy engineering has never been helpful to me. They never answer emails and the two actual times i got through to them, the old man was as cranky and rude as can be for just asking if they made an adapter for the motor i was building at that time. Not trying to bash them but my experience was they were flat out rude.

The adapter kit i have cost $1530 and includes everything needed.

That motor should sound awesome and make the boxster fly. I should be able to get 350hp to 370hp to the wheels easily with the set up/build im doing. I already have the boxster s tranny for the swap as well. But... But the drive train isnt happening till next winter. This winter im trying to get the body done. Still need to purchase the new top, the one that looks like the caymen on ebay for $3k my hard top is for sale if anyone is interested i will get the email/contact info and post it for the kit for anyone interested.

Thanks for the comments 👍
I had been commuinicating with the guy selling the Cayman tops on ebay and he said he is getting a new batch in soon and can do about $2750 delivered.

They look great but I think will need a little cleanup and careful alignment to look their best.

I went and bought a replacement top from an 03 for my 01 and its awesome being able to see out of a clear glass window again. Thanks to Woody (Itsnotanova) for that top, it went in with no issues and barely any adjustments required.

Compinsating, your process of reshaping is very interesting and I enjoy watching your progress and learning the process.

I guess since you are making molds there is a possibility that you might make some extras for other folks as well?
"It broke because it wants to be Upgraded "
2012 Porsche Performance Driving School - SanDiego region
2001 Boxster S, Top Speed muffler, (Fred's) Mini Morimotto Projectors, Tarret UDP,
Short Shifter, Touch Screen Dual Din Radio, 03 4 Bow glass Top (DD & Auto-X since May 17,2012)
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