Originally Posted by thatguychad
I like the discounted price. Put me down for a set of silver and a set of red!
Well received! Keep two sets for you mate. Out of curriosoty, are you one of those (more)fortunate member who has more than one Porsche car?!
Originally Posted by Van914
Fred, I would like a set in Blue
Van, buddy, been a while. Hope all is well with you my friend. Regularly see your Boxster's pic here on my pc.... the pic with the light bouncing the front-end (petrol station pic). One of my fav. I'll get back to you on the blue when ready to anodize. Reason for that is I have two types of blue, the one everybody is familiar with (CGT's light blue) and the 'navy' tone blue. Think the latest will work best with your Box but who knows, you might prefer that light cgt blue insted. I'm including a pic of those intalled on a black wheel below so you can see what I mean. If you are undecided let me know and I'll trow in a rendering with your boxster color, silver wheels and navy blue caps.
Originally Posted by jpc763
Fred, I would like a set of silver!
Count you in

Thx man. Silver is not available but I'm guessing you meant the gun metal tone from that other pic. If you desperately need them silver (as in silver wheel color) then they need 'painting' and that removes all of that fancy anodized effect (no reflections, etc). I know I did had a few kits professionally painted last year by the bodyshop. Worked but I wasn't entirely impressed. That gun metal anodized is similar (if not exactly the same) as the center lock you see on those gt3 and newer models. Leave that to you mate
Originally Posted by Pdwight
I like those Fred....like them a lot...any close up pics ??
I would love a red set to go with my super awesome headlights....Thanks again to Fred and Particle Wave
Hah good taste, I'll certainly arrange something special for you Dwight. I'll be in touch. Please remind me... your Boxster is black colour with silver wheels right? I want to get a visual done for you to see what this would look like with the red vivo and red caps. Might end up to look quite special (I think I want to see this more than you do is possibly what's happening now loll).
Anyhow, just trowing some/same visuals from the other page just so nobody misses those. Gone all art-gaga can you guys tell