Originally Posted by Jimbo409
Was thinking if I put a washer under the hood stricker this might work,adjusting the latch uo doesn't work and it keeps the hood to high.I have it lowered and it seems like this is the right height for the hood but I have to slam the hood down to latch it.I will try and see what happens
Jimbo; If you can adjust the latch up enough to raise the hood above the trailing edge of the bumper, then you have plenty of striker. No need to install any shims. The latch can be adjusted in very minor increments, this is where finest comes into play. You may need to take some pics so we can see what's going on, but try this. Remove both rubber stops. Adjust the latch where the hood is closed and gap above the bumper is correct. Then install the bump stops to where they are just contacting the bumper.