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Old 09-12-2015, 07:38 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by RandallNeighbour View Post
In Houston, we spend 15% more on average for cars than other big cities in America according to sales report that came out a while back. No idea why!

I work in the posh Galleria area and it's all very expensive German coupes and sedans down here. What kills me is the 20-35 year old clerical ladies in my building who make $60k a year (max, some a lot lower according to my buddy in management at their company) at an oil company driving a new 5 series BMW (or a German SUV) on a 3 year lease, wearing $500 high heels and carrying a $1000 handbag. She looks rich and all she has is debt. But she looks rich to her friends and co-workers. It's the short-sighted stupidity of youth that isn't easily shaken off as people get older.

Conversely, the men and women in my building who drive Pcars (there's at least a dozen) do not seems to be posers. A few fellow Pcar drivers are my friends and they have a robust balance sheets and they are not pissing away their retirement to look rich. They do not turn over vehicles every couple of years either like the rich posers.

Our entire society is moving from ownership to renting personal use items as if they were a temporary service. Software is now sold as subscription based through the cloud. Cell phone "purchases" are now paid by the month so they can be upgraded frequently. We pay for TV reception. Call me an old fart, but all I see is a culture determined to live for today with few avoiding the trap of the ongoing monthly payment for most everything.

sounds like a bunch of fake ass people i wouldn't bother to associate with .
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