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Old 08-22-2015, 09:01 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Meir View Post
There is no invasion of privacy.
If the car is being finenced, the car belong to the finance company until it is fully paid.
The "driver" of the car has signed a disclosure conforming he is aware that a tracking device is installed in the car, and it is required in order to outhorize the loan.
In other words, no GPS, no finance = no car.

If Jeramy fully payed for the car and he owns it, the device is probably not active and nobody is watching him.
If he is still under finance and paying on time, still nobody is watching him.
If he is not making his payments ( sorry Jeramy. It's just to make a point) and he is disregarding the finance company phone calls, then yes, someone is watching him, and the repo guy is on its way.
Once again. I was just making a point, and I'm sure J is on time with his payments. :
You're kidding right?? A tracking device is the very definition of an invasion of privacy! Why do you hink they make you sign a disclosure? I don't care if it is even on an iPhone that just tracks your every move. And now the numbskulls in Washington State want to put trackers in their car to determine road tax. Or as Jay says you can pay less for insurance. Until you have to pay more for the violations they track. Like I say Unbelievable. I'll proudly wear my tinfoil hat to protect the remaining privacy I do have. EOR.
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